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The project focuses on the possibility of developing a strong bond between the two schools and cultures.
The participants will gain knowledge and understanding of not only themselves and their own culture and
identity but they will learn what it means to be open-minded and curious about a new country and their
culture. Through class exchange the students will become familiar with other youths and families from
an other country. They will gain experience about being a representative for their country and school and
the project offers the opportunity of creating a life-long bond between the participant and they will be able
to integrate their experiences in their lives and future.
Each partner school will incoorperate the activities in their curricula and the teachers around each class
will contribute in their subject. This way a large group of teachers and management is involved. They will
learn about the educational systems and new practices.
Through ICT the students and teachers will get experience using a virtual online classroom (google
classroom)and learn different teaching methods and communication strategies. The teachers and
students will be motivated to learn new ICT skills through the project. There are described tasks in
different subjects every second month in the activity plan. We have divided the tasks along the whole
exchange and through the year.
Each partner school will contribute to a joined web page material which will be able to help carry out the
purpose of the project and inspire others to focus on and preserve the Nordic identity.
The families support the project by opening their homes and take responsibility for integrating foreign
students into their daily way of life.
The management of each school have made it a priority to add the international dimension to the
schools. They have support from the school boards and it is important for the two schools that the Nordic
identity is part of their school value. The school management will inform the school staff and make sure
the knowledge of the project is spread out to the local community.
The management will contact the local newspaper and invite them to write an article about the project
and the student exchange.

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